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sf.me > Blog > Why I Switched Fonts

Why I Switched Fonts

Posted on: 4 August 2023

Reading time: 1 min

Category: Updates

This post is just a quick update to announce a hard decision that I have made. I have switched the font on this website from JetBrains Mono to Courier New. This change was made because I feel like JetBrains Mono looks more fitting in a terminal because it looks janky on a website. Courier New is a monospace font but still maintains the feeling and look I want from my website.

This change has had an unintended benefit. Previously, my website's homepage weighed around 50KB in size which is spectacular. However, what I did not realize was that around 40KB were being taken up by JetBrains Mono. By switching to a default typeface, my website now weighs a shockingly low 12KB. If you would like to view the full GTMetrix report, do so here.

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